You are not, however, limited to walking. Any method of fitness works for zone2: rowing, biking, ruck (weighted) walking, jogging, swimming.. we have options. The fitter you get, the more activity you’ll be able to do in your zone2 workouts.
For simplicity, we’re focused here on Zone2 Walking.
Zone 2 means we’re moving and moving well for 20-90 minutes. Your heart rate should be elevated but your heart should not be racing. You’re breathing harder than you are when you are doing regular everyday tasks like laundry or yard work, but still well in control of your breath. We should never be moving so hard that we need to STOP. If you feel like you’re doing too much, SLOW DOWN. You should be able to carry on a conversation in short, but complete sentences.
In fact, talking is highly encouraged. You can multiply the benefits of your zone2 fitness by completing it with a friend and being social. If you don’t have someone physically with you, you can make phone calls! But don’t ruin your workout by texting or scrolling. This is freedom for your brain as well as your body. 😉
We are more concerned with the TIME you spend walking than distance you cover because we want you to go on feel - you should feel like you’re moving with a purpose, trying to get somewhere, but NOT moving so hard you’ll need a break before you arrive.
So if you choose to jog or run instead of walk, the same applies. It should be an EASY jog or run. It’s a CONVERSATIONAL PACE.
You can complete your walks (or jogs or bike rides or swims or rows) anytime of day and on a full or empty stomach. You can choose the days that fit your schedule best or the days with the best weather.
Do try and give yourself one day off after each long walk. Other than that, it doesn’t matter if you go every other day or 4 days in a row then 3 days off.
My favorite schedule for this program is something like this:
Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday
Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday
Monday - Tuesday - Friday - Saturday
I really like committing to Monday Tuesday because then I have some flexibility later in the week. If I have half the assigned days done on day 2 of the week, I feel AHEAD of the program (and in control) rather than BEHIND and like I won’t be able to complete it.